More Amazing Beijing Park Action

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We were in Ritan Park this weekend and saw this ripped dude doing a hardcore high bar routine. He had strapped his hands to the bar, probably both to protect himself from the friction and to keep from flying off the bar onto the concrete and hard dirt below. He then started doing full-on giant swings. And, like I observed in Ditan Park, he wasn't wearing any particular workout clothing. He had taken his shirt off, but he was wearing grey wool-looking dress slacks and sneakers. I love seeing all the cool stuff people do in the parks. Apparently Michelle and our friend Stacy didn't mind watching him either; they seemed to linger over our buff friend for a bit...

(Unfortunately, I only had my camera phone with me, so the shots are crappy.)

Ripped dude on top of a high bar in Ritan Park.

Ripped dude doing a big swing on a high bar as Andrew looks on.

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1 Comment

Warren Reply

Well, you did see the article on beefcake, right?

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