Bleary jet-lagged haze

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Ugh, I've been going through the worst jet-lag recovery since coming home. Flying east is always harder anyway, but several other events at home have conspired to make this recovery worse than normal.

I did a good job managing the flight home, switching to Seattle time as soon as I got on the flight in Jakarta and sleeping at mostly the right times. The first night home I had no problems sleeping. The second night I camped with the boys in the backyard. The combination of the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements (we were one sleeping bag short, so I was sleeping on blankets on the ground) and Michael (6) waking up a few times left me unable to get a reasonable night's rest. I tossed and turned again last night, being too overconfident that things would be OK to take melatonin (my jet-lag medication of choice). Unfortunately, I took a nap today, so I'm up this evening/morning.

It's 3:00am now, and I'm wide awake. I just read all of Heir to the Empire (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, Vol. 1) (the first book in the trilogy after the original six Star Wars books - it was actually a pretty fun read. Thanks, Irene, for the suggestion).

Anyway, it's too late this evening for melatonin. I should just try to power through and get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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