3M Handband Popup Tape Dispenser

For some time now, I had been planning on blogging about this great little tool that has been an indispensible part of our household for some time, but Cool Tools beat me to it. The good people at 3M (n.b. I grew up in a 3M ghetto in St. Paul, both my parents worked there, I interned there, and they helped put me through college) know tape and have created another tape masterpiece.

The Handband straps onto the back of your hand and has single cut, popup strips of tape. As you're wrapping a package, you just reach over and pull out a perfectly sized piece of tape to keep wrapping. You can do it one handed, so you don't need to let go of the wrapping paper or get someone to help you. It's amazing how useful this is and how much easier wrapping is. They also make a desktop base for the Handband, but that's only somewhat useful.

Anyway, I know I missed the Christmas wrapping season, but I highly recommend getting a few Handbands now for belated Christmas gifts, Valentine's Day, and the odd birthday. Great stuff.

Available at Amazon and stores near you.

3M 91P Handband Pop-up Tape Strip Dispenser

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1 Comment

Jeff Petrin Reply

3M Ghetto.... that's too funny - but accurate. My family too.
I used to dig the Handband, but can't get it to 'reload' with the follow-on piece of tape. Maybe I should try a new one.

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