The future may be OK

I just got back from a week of interviewing students at MIT and Carnegie-Mellon University. The focus this time was to get interns for us this summer. I have to say I was super impressed with the students and the things they had done, not only in technology, but in their communities.

These were mostly 18 and 19 year olds who had started programs to bring computers to senior citizens, built bridges in local parks, and tutored kids. Some came from privileged backgrounds to be sure, but many had overcome a lot of obstacles to reach this level of accomplishment. They were incredibly passionate, eager, and smart.

I know these students are the cream of the crop, but as they are the leaders of tomorrow, I have to say I feel a lot better about tomorrow.

(On a separate note, if you didn't think it was possible for a three year old to scream like someone was killing them for five hours, you'd be wrong. The flight back from Pittsburgh apparently had a kid torture chamber on board. Thank goodness for my noise-cancelling headphones.)

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1 Comment

Yuriy Reply

Very interesting. I am a junior at Stanford and had an interview on this very day for Microsoft with a Development Manager working on Windows. Let's hope he thought as well of me!

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