Home Sick

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I've been home the last two days with a sick Michael (6) as well as for a day and a half last week. I sent back him to school on Friday after he was out Thursday. He seemed OK and wasn't very convincing telling me wasn't feeling well. I figured he just wanted another day of Xbox and no school. By noon however, his teacher had called saying he wasn't feeling well and had a fever. (I'm a bad daddy.)

He had came down with the tracheitis that Andrew (9) had the week before. He had a deep, barking cough and was generally miserable. When he's sick, he gets clingy. On the one hand, it feels good to be wanted, but it sure makes it hard to get anything done at home when he's like that.

I started getting sick too after hanging out with the Typhoid Brothers, although so far my symptoms are not the same. I had a pretty high fever and was a bit delirious yesterday. My body is achy too, although I'm honestly not sure if that's related to my illness or the ten miles I ran last weekend.

Michael seems well enough to go back to school tomorrow; I'm dying of cabin fever and am ready to go back too.

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