Michael gets sorted

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Slytherin House crest Out of the blue this afternoon, Michael (5) declared today that he would choose to be in Slytherin House. (For those of you who are not Harry Potter devotees, Slytherin is the house at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry known for producing Dark Wizards.)

Somehow, I'm not surprised. He preferred the Sith to the Jedi as well. Power appeals to him.

I'd probably be in Hufflepuff, since I'm a bit of a duffer...

(Once again, I'm stunned that Wikipedia had articles on the random HP stuff I linked to above. I don't think Encarta or Britannica would consider it reference, but it's an interesting and useful redefinition of reference. Looks like the intersection between Wikipedia geeks and HP geeks is high...)

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